The command line interface requires at least two arguments: the script file to open and the procedure/test-case/test-suite to execute.
The script file can be both a single script file, and a .SeqZapProject file for a larger project, it is specified using the –f argument.
You can only execute one procedure/test-case/test-suite for each invocation of %SEQZAP_EXE% so you must use one of the following arguments:
- -p <procedure name>
- -s <test suite name>
- -c <test case name>
REM Start the Run procedure
%SEQZAP_EXE% -f MyScriptFile.szs –p Run
REM Start the Normal test suite
%SEQZAP_EXE% -f MyProject.SeqZapProject –s Normal
%SEQZAP_EXE% will return an exit-code of 0 if the test was started successfully, also if the test failed, this behavior can be changed using the --verdict-error flag.