
SeqZap comes with an example implementation of machine automation on a Linux based QT GUI, it can be found in Examples -> Tools -> Machine Automation -> MachineAutomationQTExample.szs the example requires that a virtual machine with the application under test is downloaded and run using either Oracle Virtual Box, VMWare Workstation Player, or another virtual machine system capable of loading .OVA files.

The virtual machine can be downloaded here:


When the example has loaded and the virtual machine has started, the example file can be opened.

The screen of the virtual machine should show the names of the IP addresses of the virtual machine:

One of these IP addresses, usually the first non-localhost IPv4 address will do (in this case, should be written in the Address field of the Configuration Properties in the file:

After this, the TCP connection to the virtual machine can be established by calling setup on the TCP connection:

After this, the Windows Automation Tool (win) should be able to see and interact with the remote GUI, f.eks. using the “Element Spy” and “Remote Screen” panels:

The already written procedures should also be able to run, for example, the “Change background color” procedure which changes the GUI background 5 times.