

Setup a windows automation tool instance.

If “TakeScreenshotBeforeEachAction” is true, the Windows Automation Tool will put a screenshot in the report before each step. This property can also be changed on runtime using the TakeScreenhotBeforeEachAction boolean property.

The Windows Automation instance can use a remote source of elements instead of the local source on the machine where SeqZap is running.

This is done by setting the parameter called RemoteConnection to something other than null.

Get information

Get the attributes of the selected element.

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.


Focus a particular element.

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.


Click a user interface element

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.

Get text

Get the text of an element.

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.

Get/Set value

Get or set the value of an element (can be used to simulate keyboard input).

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.

Toggle element

Toggle the state an element (e.g. checkbox).

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.

Select item

Select an item in the user interface (item in a list, etc.).

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.

Expand/Collapse element

Expand or collapse an element (e.g. a menu or a tree item).

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.

Select value from a ComboBox

Select a value from a ComboBox by pressing up/down in the combo-box until the value of the ComboBox is as desired.

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.

Contains Bitmap

Check whether an element contains a particular bitmap.

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.

Press Key

Press one or more keys on the keyboard

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.

Hold Key

Hold or release a key on the keyboard

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.

Restrict to process

Restrict further actions to process

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.

Restrict to element

Restrict further actions to children of an element

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.

Pop the top restriction

Remove the restriction which was most recently added

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.

Clear restrictions

Clear all restrictions placed on future actions

Please read the Introduction to the Windows Automation Tool.